Slow-cooking dark leg meat results in incredibly tender, flavorful chicken. However, if you prefer white meat you can substitute bone-in chicken breasts....
Adding asparagus and frozen peas directly to the boiling pasta during the last couple minutes of cooking means everything for this seasonal, fresh dinner...
Sour cream isn't just a gimmick. Used in place of the more typical cream or buttermilk, it adds a rich, tangy flavor, and its acidity helps make the biscuits...
This classic Polish soup (which has close cousins across Eastern Europe) is the ultimate in summer refreshment: Cool, creamy, and gently crunchy from cucumbers,...
This might look like a relative of coffee cake but don't be fooled. The layer of streusel in this marbled loaf cake gets a complex punch of flavor from...
Because it calls for frozen fruit, one bowl for mixing, and minimum kitchen equipment, this cake is a breeze for bakers of all levels. But you do need...
A California classic, these tacos rely on quality fish-and a boost from a dry rub-to set them apart. Buy the best seafood you can find, and serve the extra...
Just like the steakhouse-style prime roast your grandparents served at Christmas, but better, because it's made using the reverse-sear method for a super-tender,...
We make the shells for these tarts with packaged graham cracker crumbs to save time. If your brown sugar contains hard lumps, force it through a sieve...